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How to Pick the Right Repellent for Your Summer Trips

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How to Pick the Right Repellent for Your Summer Trips

With long, bright days and warmer weather on tap, summer is the ultimate season for outdoor and travel adventures. Whether you’re staying right here in the UK or venturing further afield, there’s no better time to grab some pals and enjoy memorable days in the sunshine. However, despite its extensive list of positives, the warmer season does bring with it one ‘small’ irritation... It’s a prime-time for biting insects.

Don’t let this put you off though. With the right preparation and equipment, it’s easy to ensure that biting bugs such as mosquitoes, midges and ticks are little more than a minor annoyance. Here at Lifesystems, we have developed a whole range of high-performance repellents, each optimised to provide effective protection for a variety of end-uses. If you’re not sure what formula is right for you this summer, read on for our handy breakdown.

Low Risk: Active holidays in the UK

Camping, canoeing, hiking, mountain biking – the options for an action-packed staycation are endless and not only is this type of holiday a lot of fun, the risk of insect-borne disease here in the UK is very low. The most common culprit to be prepared for are pesky midges and ticks. Almost any repellent from the Lifesystems range will provide good protection against these insects but our recommendation would be the Midge Deet-Free Repellent or the Tick Repellent. Well suited to sensitive skin, both formulas feature Saltidin® as the active ingredient and can be used and reapplied with confidence by all members of the family (aged 2+).

Medium Risk: Summer holidays in Europe

Mosquitoes are a common issue in many popular holiday destinations and while there is a low risk of transmitting more serious illnesses like malaria, their bites can still be very itchy and uncomfortable. The chemical DEET is widely accepted as the most effective repellent against biting insects and we recommend choosing a formula containing DEET to enjoy optimum defence against mozzies on your next trip abroad. Our Expedition 50 PRO repellent is a great all-rounder, combining 50% DEET with a clever bite inhibitor for advanced protection.

The Expedition 50 PRO can be reapplied multiple times during the day or evening to offer a total of 14 hours’ protection each day. Plus, it’s designed to be applied to larger areas of skin (such as when wearing shorts and a tee-shirt). This reduces the risk of over-applying and offers greater practicality and protection on warm, summer evenings.

High Risk: Trips in tropical environments or very warm climates

Insect bites in certain tropical regions can pose a far greater threat with mosquitoes in these areas often carrying insect-borne diseases such as malaria. If you’re travelling somewhere where mosquitoes pose a risk like this, you need to opt for a repellent that offers maximum, 24-hour protection.

Our new and aptly-named Expedition MAX formula is the ideal choice for this type of adventure. It combines the renowned, high-strength protection of 50% DEET with an innovative DermoLOC formula. This clever formula reduces how much DEET is absorbed by the skin meaning you can apply it over more of your skin’s surface (ideal when wearing shorts or a sundress) and also apply it several times a day to achieve true, 24-hour protection. Thanks to the DermoLOC, it can also be used by all family members aged 2 and above, ensuring maximum peace of mind.

Find out more about Expedition MAX in our recent blog about its development.

Wherever you are set to travel next, check out the latest health guidance for your destination.

Explore our full range of repellents.

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